Monday, March 18, 2013


How to stay relevant to a seasoned client...

Sometimes when firms like ours have long-term relationships with company's that have a steady pipeline of new projects, you need to find ways not to become complacent or loose your independent perspective.
One of the challenges I'm facing with a client of ours is how to keeping them focused on our expertise while building a long term relationship.

I use a couple techniques...

1. Change up the presentations.

It’s easy to fall into a routine, but I think routine kills creativity. Juggernaut has implemented a new research method, and engaged them by sharing ideas through story telling. The goal of our process is to encourage action on the part of the client. Is someone working harder than you to find out what your competition is doing?

2. Focus on why they need it and NOT what they need.

As a design consultants, we wear many hats and have to tap into countless knowledge bases. The client is expecting us to help pave the future of their product road-map. Here at the studio, we tap into our client's concerns and work to turn their problems into potential opportunities.

3. Simply be available.

I like to think of our client’s time is more important than mine; good chance it probably is. When the client has an idea (whether it’s a new product category, new material or manufacturing process) I engage them, show interest, and point to advantages and disadvantages of topics discussed. Assist in building new SOW, if they value our input, they will trust our insight.

I always remind myself, our valued client may be looking at our competition!

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