Monday, April 29, 2013

Recycling - YouChange

With the arrival of newer and faster tech comes the time to say good-bye to outdated electronics.

Old Juggernaut Equipment
Over time, the accumulation of old unused computers, keyboards, routers, and printers begins to pile up in random places around the studio. It reaches a point where everyone says, "Hey, we should really get rid of all this junk!"

Over the past year at Juggernaut we have updated our workstations with new computers, monitors, and printers.  As technology becomes more efficient, it is important that we stay up to date and take advantage of what's available.  Not only with hardware, but software as well.  Newer tools are worth upgrading to because in the end it makes our workflow faster and increases our creative options.

We will be donating all our old electronics gear to YouChange during their Earth Day drive.  Instead of these items ending up in the landfill, YouChange will recycle everything in a responsible way.  It is a great program, and something to take advantage of if you're ready to send off your well used electronics.