I had a chance to spend a day at CES this year, and left with a couple thoughts. There‘s always a lot to take in at the show, but my attention was focused on a few topics.

Here at Juggernaut Design, one of the things we're know for is our expertise in rugged devices. It was interesting to see waterproofing technologies making their way into everyday electronic devices, and it’s exciting to think of the possibilities this can bring in the future of design. Companies like Liquipel and HzO have developed methods of waterproofing just about anything. From electronic devices, like our phones and tablets, to simpler things like paper and cloth. Products like the newly released Sony Xperia Z smartphone has already introduced this waterproofing tech, and can last 30 minutes submerged in a meter of water, all while being fully functional. The little worries of everyday life like rainstorms, desk spills, dropping your phone in the sink.....you don’t need to worry about that anymore. And a waterproof case isn’t required either. It’ll be a few years before this tech will become a standard process in manufacturing, but it will happen, and with it will open up many new opportunities.
Part 2 to follow shortly....